Here's a pic with my hand inside to demonstrate.
Here's the final product (on one leg). Mind you I didn't sew it, just so I could tuck it without the extra bulge a bell bottom would have.
My theme is metallics and gold (with animal print of course) and so I decided to do a zig-zag pattern up the leg with the silver acrylic paint
(you could use fabric if you wanted something to last forever)
I then added a gold inner lining on the zig zag. I know that it's a pretty crappy job of it, but the idea is to add a thick black lining on the outside once completely dry (sharpie of course for preciseness).
And here we have the pockets painted with the gold. The other side will be the silver. Remember when being a glam rocker you need to be gaudy. Hahaha.
This is the final product minus the black out line. But I have to save some surprise for the night. "i'll do it on the night"
So that's the pants. I also have a gold lace cape and fishnet gloves and high boots with star stickers and gaudy jewelry. I can't wait!
So this is my recycled cavas...
Next I gave it a coat of black and gold. (you can see texture in the cavas....eeks)
and then did the same with gold (everything was wet still)
After that, I used my big rotten old sponge brush to move it around more.
I then chose a picture my husband took of a spider behind his work place. It creeps me out, so I avoid looking at the spider when I put it on the wet canvas.
I proceeded to seal the edges with the paint and a brush. Of course gold and silver paint to keep today's theme going. That and it fits with the colours that are already there.
I took it one step further in attempt the blend and cover the stark black of the photo. And that's the final product as well. Now if it's a keeper (which I think it might be when my husband sees it), seal it with a varnish or clear sealant.
And just because today didn't have enough pictures heres one of the mod podge walls I did in my home. It's on the side of the basement shelves (we are frequenters of the basement). My husband picked the pictures from his on-slot of materials and I put them all up for him. It's gotten good reviews.
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